Some General Guidelines to make sure we can provide the single color special with a high quality while still making money.
These guidelines are in place to to help us streamline the process and make finishing more approachable to everyone and reduce the time/labor overhead that happens with more complex finishing. We’re just hoping to put a bit of color and heart on an old bike.
- Steel, Titanium, and Aluminum Bicycles Only: We use powder coat for this process and therefore cannot color match or finish carbon or other parts
- No shipping. We only do single color for people who can drop off at Good Weather in Seattle or our fabrication shop if discussed.
- No changes, masking, add-ons, dent filling, etc. This is Important! The process of the Single Color Powder is quick so we can keep prices down.
- Some color and coating restrictions – We will source the powder from over 5000+ different available colors and finishes. Generally, metal flake and different sheens are also okay.
- Frames must come in stripped of parts or have our mechanics at Good Weather strip it down for an additional fee.
- No Stickers Please remove all stickers on your bicycle.
- Limited Communication and Back and Forth – It is important that we keep things lean to keep the Single Color Special going.
How the process goes:
- Purchase the Single Color Special Deposit. we’ll confirm that your payment has been received and give you some times to confirm a drop off as well as have you fill out a questionnaire to detail colors and bike type and if you need us to strip it down.
- We’ll send an e-mail confirming drop-off time and details.
- You’ll drop off your frame and confirm color choice. We’ll have sample colors available based on your questionnaire
- You pick-up your frame in all it’s glory.
Note: If your bicycle is free of paint, we’ll knock $25 off the cost of the Single Color Powder. We reserve the right to refund your deposit if we detirmine the bicycle can’t be properly done within the Single Color Powder Special.

Bike Finishing Deposit